Lens Treatments

Lesley or Andy our dispensing opticians will talk you through all your lens options and recommend any additional lens coatings. It may be that you do not want or need any of the features these lens extras provide, however we are passionate about exploring all options to find your perfect pair of specs, and also that any extra costs do not come as a surprise (see our prices for more details)

HMAR Coating

An HMAR coating helps reduce reflection. For drivers, this can help reduce glare and reflection from street lamps and headlights. For computer users, it can help eliminate glare, which in turn will help reduce fatigue. HMAR includes an anti-scratch coating that will help prevent scratches, improve durability and help prevent damage from dirt and water.

Hard Coating

For plastic lenses a hard coating is recommended. While plastic lenses are easy to wear and usually very lightweight, the material used is softer and more prone to scratches than glass lenses — at least if untreated. Special coatings with a hard lacquer matched to the material not only enhance the scratch resistance of the lenses but can also improve the visual quality.


Thin & Light

Thin & Light lenses are made from a special high index material that means your lenses can be thinner and lighter, which is great for high prescriptions. Thinner lenses improve the appearance of your glasses and, because they are lighter, they are also more comfortable. Lenses can be 25%, 35% or 50% thinner than our standard lenses.


ColorMatic® lenses transform your spectacle lenses into sunglasses when exposed to bright light. A lot of people find this the most convenient way to protect their eyes against harmful UV rays without carrying around a pair of sunglasses in addition to their glasses.


Polarised Lenses

Polarised lenses improve clarity and reduce eye strain on bright sunny days. The image you see with polarised lenses is a bit darker than usual, but objects look crisper and clearer, and details are easier to see. Polarising lenses can affect seeing images properly on LCD screens such as smartphones, ATMS and car dashboards.


Your inner clock can become out of balance due to the unnaturally high amount of blue light emitted from laptops, smartphones, tablets and other screens. Balance lenses reduce the excessive blue light which can minimise eye strain, fatigue and in some cases insomnia. It aims to allow you to work in a far more relaxed manner in front of your screen.